Aneta Sokalska’s Performance Improvement
5km time improved (-1:30min PB)
Sprint distance time improved (-4:30min PB – Olsztyn race)
Sprint distance time improved again (-1:42min – Suzs race)
After 12 weeks of triathlon training with Aneta, we could improve 4:30min her sprint distance personal best time in Olsztyn triathlon on 27th May (time of same course + all races).
Before starting training with me she had low triathlon training volume for 5months. We increased the training volume slowly and at week 10 of our training she could run Akiden 5km, 1min30sec faster than her 2016PB. Her Olsztyn triathlon running time was also better than her previous running races PB.
At week 12, during sprint-distance, her bike performance was 3min faster than last year’s PB. (same course/nearly same condition).
Her swim was worst than before in Olsztyn triathlon. The reason was, we started to build her swim technique instead of working on her swim time. She didn’t have any intense swim until week 10. The focus was on bike-run. And finally, her PB sprint distance tri time improved 4:30min even without a good swim performance.
At week 16, we had Suzs sprint distance race. We again could improve Aneta’s PB -1:42min (the run course was 700m longer!).
Aneta never missed a workout. The difference between wanting and achieving is discipline. You can’t achieve any goals without discipline. The work we’re doing is paying off.