Strength Training
Level 2
Level 2 -1 - Auxiliary exercises
Monster Walk
- Monster Walk
- Swiss ball plank hold
- One arm plank
- Straight arm plank
- V-ups
- Bridge Unilateral
- Supine Plank
- Swiss Ball Hamstring Curl
- Push Ups
- Straight arm side plank
- Hip external / internal rotation mobility
- Front split
With Harder resistance bands
Level 2 -1 - Strength exercises
Squat mobility
- Squat mobility
- Med Ball Slams
- Med ball Diagonal Toss
- Barbbell side lunge
- Reverse Lunge with Lateral Rotation
- Box step ups
- Box squat Goblet squat
- Back squat
- Squat with resistance bands
- Front squat
- Hamstring curl
- Leg press with narrow foot stance
- Good morning
- Shoulder press standing
- Dumbbell Lateral Raise
- Dumbbell Push-Press shoulder
- One arm reverse fly
- Dumbbell Row
- Lat Pulldown
- Bent Over Row
- Chest press
- Leg extension machine
Level 2 -2 - Auxiliary exercises
Monster Walk
- Monster Walk
- Swiss ball roll out
- Crunches
- Unilateral bridge on step
- Supine plank with leg raise
- Reverse Back Extensions - Swiss Ball
- One leg push up
- Push up stability ball (legs on ball)
- Push up to rotation
- Hip external / internal rotation mobility
- Front split
With Harder resistance bands
Level 2 -2 - Strength exercises
Squat mobility
- Squat mobility
- Reverse lunge with weights
- Split Squat Jumps - one side
- Overhead squat
- Hamstring curl
- Leg press with wide foot stance
- Good morning
- Shoulder press hammer grip
- Bicep curl to shoulder press
- Dumbbell front + lateral raises
- Pull ups
- Dumbbell Row
- Palms facing up bend over barbell row
- Chest press
- Leg extension machine
Level 2 -3 Strength and Auxiliary exercises
Free to choose any exercise from level 1 & 2
- Free to choose any exercise from level 1 & 2
- The deadlift
- Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift
- Single leg Romanian deadlift technique
- Romanian deadlift staggered stance (1 foot forward and 1 foot back)
Choose exercises from level 1 and level 2